Having a house fire, whether it is big or small, is a very stressful situation. The best way to prepare for a fire is to have a plan, so you know exactly what you need to do, before it ever occurs. Here are the four things you must do immediately after having a house fire:


  1. Call your insurance company. Once the fire has been put out, this is the very first thing you should do. You want an adjuster on site as quickly as possible, so you can start the rebuilding process. Work only with your insurance company, and call them as soon as possible.
  1. Investigate restoration services. For small fires, you may only need a little bit of restoration work to get your home in working order once again. These companies can help you deal with the smoke, soot, and water damage that often comes along with a fire. Your insurance agency might be able to recommend a few good local companies for this work.
  1. Sort your damaged property from your not damaged property. In the instance of a more severe fire, when the site is deemed safe by the firefighters, go make a tally of what has been damaged and what has not been damaged. This will be important for your insurance company to know, as they begin to compile a list of what needs to be replaced.
  1. Find somewhere to stay. Your biggest concern after a house fire will likely be clothing, food, and shelter. In some instances, your policy will cover housing after a fire that makes your home an unsafe place to live. Keep in mind that often the policy will state that the living arrangements have to be of the same kind and quality as the damaged home.
Andrea King
  • andrea@aginto.com
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Andrea King
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  • andrea@aginto.com
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