We are coming up on hurricane season, which means that if you live in a part of the county where hurricanes are common, it’s time to make sure that your home is protected against damage. There are some parts of your home that are going to be more prone to damage than other parts. Here’s how to make sure they are as damage-proof as possible:


1. Brace your garage door.

Your garage door is actually one of the most damage-prone areas of your home during a hurricane. Most garage doors do not have the reinforcement they need, and once the wind gets into your garage, it can create a pull that can seriously damage not just the door, but also your roof. Make sure to brace your garage door as much as possible if a hurricane is in the forecast.

2. Add storm shutters to your window.

There is perhaps nothing as dangerous as broken windows during a hurricane. The high winds can propel shards of glass into your home. There are two ways that you can strengthen your windows, either by boarding them up, or by adding storm shutters to your home.

3. Strengthen your roof.

If you add hurricane straps to your roof, you are less likely to see the kind of extensive damage that makes a very expensive repair once the hurricane is over. Make sure that any and all shingles or tiles are properly affixed so that you lose as few as possible in the ensuing winds.

4. Trim your trees.

  Falling trees and snapped branches can be a serious hazard to your home during a hurricane. At the beginning of the season, have all of your trees trimmed to lessen this sort of damage to the exterior of your home.

Andrea King
  • andrea@aginto.com
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Andrea King
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  • andrea@aginto.com
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