A trampoline can be a fun, physical outdoor activity for kids and adults alike, but there’s no denying that they can be dangerous, even when you take safety precautions. Knowing whether or not your trampoline and any injuries that might happen because of those trampolines before you ever need that coverage is an imperative part of owning a trampoline. Here’s what you need to know:

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As with most things in Florida home insurance, whether or not your trampoline is covered by your policy depends on your policy. If you have a trampoline, you should speak with your insurance agent or a representative of the company holding your policy to determine whether or not your specific policy covers your specific trampoline. Some policies even forbid ownership of a trampoline—so if you are considering getting one or already own one and are buying insurance, it is very important to know whether or not your policy allows it.

If your policy does allow you to own a trampoline and they do cover that trampoline, there might be an increase in your premium, when compared to policies for home owners that do not have trampolines. Because of this, some people will try to hide the fact that they have a trampoline from their insurance company. This could result in much bigger issues down the road, including claims, even those not related to the trampoline, to be denied.

They might even deny your entire policy because you hid a dangerous liability on your property from the company.

It is much more likely for your company to allow you to have a trampoline than to deny it. If you have one or know you want to buy one, be sure to discuss this with your Florida insurance agent to see if you need to adjust or change coverage.

Andrea King
  • andrea@aginto.com
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Andrea King
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  • andrea@aginto.com
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