With Labor Day weekend around the corner, traveling is a common theme for the weekend. If you’re planning a  family trip, it is obvious that your house remains unoccupied and without activity during your absence. What this also means is that someone who is looking at breaking in or committing burglary can easily target your private space while you are away. How do you minimize the risk of your home being burglarized or targeted by other miscreants during your absence?

happy family with little child driving in car

Keeping your personal property safe in your absence

Here are a few things that you should do every time you leave your home empty and go away on an official or personal trip:

  • Avoid posting your travel plans on social media. Social media has an amazingly vast reach, and can be a great place for burglars and other criminals to pick up such details and plan accordingly.
  • Set lights on a timer so it seems someone’s home, but remove the spare key. Time your lights so that they come on and off at certain times in the day. This will make it look like someone is home and keep miscreants away. However, having a spare key lying around is still risky, so do not take chances. Take the key with you or give it to a trusted friend.
  • Inform security providers about your travel dates and take any extra steps that they suggest. You should have a good alarm system set up in your home, you should also inform the company looking after your security systems so that they can ensure the system is closely monitored in your absence.
  • Ask a close friend to care for plants and pets, if any. Ensure that you give access to only someone that you completely trust. This will ensure that your things and pets are well taken care of and your home is safe while you are away.
  • Unplug electrical and electronic devices before leaving. This will ensure there are no problems due to short circuits or fire caused due to overheated electrical and electronic items, as such accidents can cause a lot of damage.

Taking these a few simple steps, can go a long way in keeping you and your home safe even when you are not around. Just a few tips from your Florida home insurance experts at Anderson & Associates. If you have questions about how your homeowners insurance can cover you while you are on vacation, contact us for a free policy review.

Andrea King
  • andrea@aginto.com
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Andrea King
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  • andrea@aginto.com
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