With the recent Jurassic World movie coming to DVD and Blu-Ray this weekend, it got us thinking: What if we had a Jurassic type attack carve a path of destruction through South Florida? Would your home insurance cover the damage that A T-Rex does (probably inadvertently) to your neighborhood?

Flood damage

Whether or not he would be covered depends largely on how Rexy might be classified. Is he an act of God? An act of terrorism? A dangerous pet? An object from the sky?

An Act of God

Most insurance companies say that an act of God is damage done that cannot be attributed to any person. These might be floods or earthquakes, which most standard home insurance policies do not cover. Would Rexy be an act of God? It depends on what Jurassic World myth we’re talking about. If he’s a result of nuclear mutation, humans have played a role in his genesis and would therefore not be an act of God. You might be covered—depending on what kind of damage he deals to your home.

An Act of Terrorism

If an act of terrorism is considered an act of war, and if a dinosaur would be considered an act of terrorism, then his damage to your home probably wouldn’t be covered by your insurance provider, as insurance providers firmly refuse to cover acts of war. If the terrorism is classified as a crime and not an act of war, however, the damage might be covered.

A Dangerous Pet

If Rexy were classified as a dangerous breed of animal (which, let’s face it, he definitely is) you might have grounds for an insurance claim when he crushes your house with his tail. But would he really fall into the same category as German shepherds? Just make sure that a dino isn’t actually your pet—in that instance, the damage he does wouldn’t be covered. Here’s more information on how pets are classified when it comes to your home insurance.

An Object from the Sky

Again, whether or not a dinosaur would be an object from the sky depends on what story we’re talking about. If he came to us in the same way that meteors do, then he probably would be covered by your home insurance policy. If he falls from the sky right onto your home, don’t worry, you’re covered.

While it’s unlikely that you’ll ever be faced with a visit from a T-Rex, it’s good to ensure that you are covered against catastrophic disasters. If you have questions about your homeowners insurance policy, or to request a free review, contact our local insurance agents today.

Andrea King
  • andrea@aginto.com
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Andrea King
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  • andrea@aginto.com
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