The weather in South Florida is starting to get cooler, but it is only a matter of a couple of months before it starts to warm up again. Therefore, now is a perfect time to prepare your house for the upcoming season. Open windows allow fresh breezes to cool the home and let in natural, clean air because when summer arrives, your windows will most likely have to be shut tight to keep the A/C air safely inside where it belongs. Windows are not just necessary decor; they are highly functional and can even keep your family safe. Today, we will discuss the window checklist that every homeowner should use to reduce their insurance bills and keep their family protected and comfortable.

homeowners insurance Florida

Window Safety

The most common considerations you should remember when it comes to window safety are:

  • Ease of access for family
  • Protection from intruders
  • Protection from the elements

Ease of Access: The ease of access for your family to open and close your windows is a sometimes competing set of interests. To begin, young children and pets are at risk of injury if windows are left open and unattended. Even if they are not open, certain latches and locks can be unlocked with ease by curious child hands or a determined cat. The National Safety Council has recommendations for houses with children, which boil down to a few key points – (these sentences are supposed to be a list, but I can’t do it here for some reason). Always keep windows locked and closed when children are around. Do not place tall furniture in the vicinity of windows. Do not rely on window screens to prevent falls; they are only designed to prevent bugs from entering the home.

However, the second aspect of window access is critical: its importance in emergencies. Windows are an essential secondary exit when fire blocks the main doorway. Because of this, windows should not be bolted down or locked with overly complex devices that slow down the family member while they attempt to escape an emergency. Utilize child-friendly locks and teach all older members of your family the fastest and easiest way to disable them so they can be safely prepared if a disaster strikes.

Protection From Intruders: An intruder is more likely to give up and flee the scene if they face significant resistance while attempting to burglarize a home. The best way to slow down intruders is to utilize impact-resistant glass, window monitoring alarms, and high-quality locks. Make sure to inform members of your family how to continue using their windows in an emergency if new security installations change the window layout or increase the complexity of the locking mechanism.

Protection from the Elements: Florida building requirements ensure that newer houses have windows that better stand up to high-intensity winds and impacts due to the frequent hurricanes that land on our shores. Windows, over time, can begin to suffer damage, meaning your windows might not be protecting you as much as you think. Any window that is drafty or showing visible signs of wear should be replaced before a hurricane begins to batter it with 200-mile-per-hour winds. Hurricane shutters are an additional security step you can take, one that has the added benefit of lowering your home insurance premiums.

Maintaining safe and secure windows is part of an overall plan to keep you safe and lower your monthly insurance bills. Anderson & Associates Insurance Group is committed to ensuring you have the coverage and protection you need. Homeowner’s insurance is not just a necessity; it is a robust security measure. Call today to find ways to further extend the reach of protection over your home, care, and family.

Andrea King
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Andrea King
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