Many people might not realize that driving in the rain can be just as dangerous as driving in the snow, sometimes more so, because drivers on the road are usually not taking the same precautions in the rain as they do when the road is likely to be icy. Here are some safety tips to make sure you get home safely during the spring showers:

1. Don’t use your cruise control

Cruise control is great for a sunny drive home, when there are few people on the road. When you use it in wet weather, however, you might not have the control you need over your vehicle to make sure that you get home safely. Not using your cruise control will give you better control over your vehicle if it starts to slide.

2. Slow down

While rain might seem less dangerous than ice, you have a higher chance of hydroplaning if you are going at a high rate of speed. Slowing down and leaving more room in between you and the cars in front of you will make driving safer.

3. Know what to do when you skid

Especially during the first hour of a rain storm, as the water pushes oil up out of the asphalt, there is the possibility you could skid. What should you do if you start to skid? Do not slam on your brakes, as this is likely to worsen the problem. Continue to steer your vehicle in the direction you want it to go, so when you come out of the skid, your vehicle rights itself. Do not panic! You are unlikely to skid very far, and you want to be paying attention to the road, so when you regain traction, you are going in the right direction.

Andrea King
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Andrea King
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