Swimming is one of the best ways to cool off in the summer. Unfortunately, summer is also when most pool accidents happen.

Between 2005 and 2009, there were more than 3,533 fatalities in the United States due to drowning. Approximately, one in five of these fatalities is a child younger than 14 years of age. Sadly, nearly all of these deaths could have been prevented. Here are some tips to ensure pool safety at your house this summer.

Supervision is must

There should always be someone to supervise, when you have people in or around your pool. It cannot be stressed enough that the supervisor should be someone who knows to swim. Parents should teach their children that they should never enter a pool if there is no adult around.

Learn CPR

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) has saved countless lives over the years. It is particularly effective on people who have been saved from drowning. CPR is very simple to perform and does not take more than a few minutes to learn. You can learn CPR at your local hospital, fire department or Red Cross. If you can get every adult member in your family to undergo this course, it would mean safety of your family as well as those around you.

Secure the pool

Never leave the pool uncovered if there is no one in or around the house. Recently, actress Demi Moore learned this the hard way after a 21-year old man died in her pool, from drowning. If your pool is not fenced, put one up immediately. Consider covering the pool with a pool cover when it is not being used. This will also prevent dust and dirt from blowing into the pool.

Teach your kids to swim

Ensure that your kids attend swimming classes at an early age. Even after that, make them wear swimming jackets, until you are sure that they have become strong swimmers. Speak to your kids about the dangers of drowning and make sure that they have internalized it.

Get liability coverage

Having a pool is fun, but do you have insurance for it? Many homeowners’ insurance policies provide pool coverage, but it’s best to confirm with your local insurance agent about it.

Accidents can happen despite your best efforts to prevent them. In such cases, the pool coverage in your homeowners’ insurance policy will protect you. For more information about homeowners insurance in Manatee County, Florida, please contact Anderson & Associates today.

Andrea King
  • andrea@aginto.com
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Andrea King
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  • andrea@aginto.com
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