For some, holidays are the only times of the year when they can relax with family and spend quality time with those that they love. At the end of the year, everyone is ready to put the previous twelve months behind them and look forward to the future. Unfortunately, December is the most dangerous month of the year for house fires, and it’s not hard to understand how a significant fire can ruin the holiday season. Today, we wanted to look at some of the greatest house fire risks during the holidays and how to protect against them. Plus, you can learn how to safeguard your family and property through a review of your Florida insurance policy.
holiday season insurance policy

Increased Fire Risks During the Florida Holiday Season

Florida doesn’t have to deal with snowstorms and icy roads, but similar fire risks plaguing the rest of America are present in Florida homes:

Overloaded Electrical Outlets and Decorations: Decorating a home with festive lights and other electrical decorations during the holidays is a time-honored tradition. However, the electrical load from this activity is typically much more than your home is accustomed to. Overloading outlets is a common issue, especially when multiple strings of lights are plugged into a single socket. Older or non-certified lights pose an even greater risk of overheating and causing a fire, and it’s usually recommended to replace holiday decorations after their manufacturer-recommended lifespan. Lights meant for indoor should be used indoors, as they can become dangerous when exposed to outside weather conditions.
Dry Christmas Trees: Real Christmas trees bring a wonderful aroma and traditional feel to the holidays, but they pose a significant fire risk if they are not properly maintained. When a Christmas tree dries out, it becomes highly flammable, and even a tiny spark from a faulty light or illuminating candle can ignite the entire tree in seconds.
Candle-Related Fires: Candles are popular during the holidays for their cozy and festive feel, with many companies pushing marketing campaigns hard around Thanksgiving and Christmas, but they are also one of the leading causes of holiday fires. Candles placed too close to flammable materials, such as curtains, decorations, tablecloths, and the aforementioned Christmas trees, can quickly start a fire if left unattended. If you use candles, keep them away from flammable objects, or only use them when others are awake and paying attention to the room.
Cooking Fires: During the holidays, the kitchen is often the center of activity, with more cooking than usual. Unattended cooking, where no one is in the room to check on the cooking, is the most common cause of kitchen fires, and the increased activity makes accidents more likely. Grease fires, spills, and distractions are extremely perilous hazards during holiday meal preparations, and overnight cooking may worsen these risks. Keeping a fire extinguisher nearby and staying in the kitchen while cooking can prevent a festive meal from becoming a disaster.
Fireplace Mishaps: Not all Florida homes have fireplaces, but if they do, the risk of home fires increases. Embers can escape and ignite nearby flammable objects, but luckily, simple protections like a fireplace cage can limit many of these risks.

Florida home insurance policies typically cover damage caused by fires, including those related to holiday activities. Most standard policies include coverage for the dwelling, personal property inside that property, and liability, which protects homeowners hosting holiday gatherings. However, there may be some limitations, such as fires caused by negligence, and policies only kick in after the deductible is met.

Your home insurance policy can protect you this holiday season, but only if it is up to date and provides ample coverage for you and your household. To review your policy and find an even better one before the upcoming holiday season, contact the home insurance experts at Anderson & Associates Insurance Group today.

Calli Ramsey
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Calli Ramsey
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