Hurricane Season – Tips on Being Prepared for Hurricane Season

The 2015 Atlantic hurricane season (which affects Florida) officially begins on June 1st, 2015 and ends on November 30th, 2015. South Florida has not been hit by a major hurricane in over 9 years (the last major hurricane to make landfall in Florida was Hurricane Wilma, in 2005). But that doesn’t mean that Florida homeowners can relax. The last major earthquake in Nepal happened nearly 25 years ago, yet the country was hit by an earthquake last month and it has killed thousands.

Flood damage

You don’t have to be a mute spectator if and when a hurricane hits Florida. Here are a few steps you can take to prepare for the upcoming hurricane season in Florida.

Prepare a hurricane kit

A hurricane kit contains supplies that you can take with you if you are forced to evacuate to a shelter. The kit is also useful if you are staying in your home, but are still affected by a storm (power cuts). The kit must contain non-perishable food items (for three days at least), water (for three days), personal hygiene and sanitation items, first aid kit, battery operated radio, flashlight, waterproof container with some important documents and cash, magazines, books, matches or lighter, can opener, special items like baby formula or pet food (if needed) and finally, an evacuation plan.

Make your home secure

It is important that you know how to protect your home in case it is threatened by a hurricane. You can start by covering your windows with wood or a hurricane shutter. Stick tape on the glass to prevent it from shattering all over the place (won’t prevent window breakage though).

Try to fasten the roof of your house with secure clips or straps. Next, trim the trees and shrubs and make sure the rain gutters are cleared. The garage door should also be reinforced. If you have some outdoor furniture, bring them in. It includes anything not fixed to the ground. If the winds become too strong, keep away from the windows and doors and brace the internal doors.

How to tackle power outages

Sometimes, a hurricane may leave you without power. Make sure that you have enough gas in your car and for generators. Do not wait until the last minute because everybody will rush to the gas station at that time and it may run out of gas. Keep some extra cash on you in case the ATMs in your area stop working. Keep your cell phone charged and if the power goes out, limit its use. Store water in large containers for washing/flushing and other needs. Ready a cooler and some ice packs to store your food. Put your food in it if the power goes out for more than 4 hours. Keep track of the news on a radio or cell phone.

Andrea King
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Andrea King
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