When you own a home, you can get comfortable in your surroundings. But even though your place should be a haven of comfort and peace, you can’t get complacent about keeping you and your family safe. The good news is, there are many home safety precautions which take a minimum of effort but will have a positive effect.

Whether moving into a new place, or looking to make your current home safer – here is a list of easy projects from AAA which will do the trick. Be sure to check with the provider of your homeowners’ insurance to see if you are eligible for any discounts once everything is secure.

home insurance rates

Checklist of Safety Precautions

  1. Change the Locks: When you move into a new place, chances are that you aren’t the first person to live there. There really is no way of knowing how many people may have keys to your home, so it is a smart move to immediately change the locks to protect yourself. Changing the locks and adding deadbolts will help to secure your property. Deadbolts have various levels of security, so be sure to choose one with the highest security level of 1. You will also want to reprogram your garage door to ensure no one can gain entry in that way.
  2. Know Your Escape Routes: Even when living in a small home, it is important to understand how to get out in case of emergency or fire. You and your family should identify possible escape routes or windows that you may open in case of emergencies. If you live on multiple floors, having a fire extinguisher readily available on each floor is important. You may wish to consider temporary or portable ladders for upper rooms. Discuss a plan with your family as to how where to meet and how to communicate in case of emergency.
  3. Check on the Smoke Detectors: Every home is required to have smoke detectors, but their condition may be in question. Changing the batteries is a great first step, but doesn’t prove that the sensors are working. Be sure to safely test your smoke detectors, or even better – upgrade the units to the latest models to be sure that your protection is maximized.
  4. Know the Shutoffs: Be sure that you are familiar with the location of the water and gas shutoff valves, as well as the fuse box. When you are in the midst of disaster, or if your home is dark due to no power, you’ll want to be able to quickly locate these shutoffs or be able to reset the lighting and power in your home. Emergencies can become much worse if you are searching for any of these items at the time of a crisis.

Looking for More Discounts?

If you are looking for ways to secure your home and lower your insurance costs, you may wish to consider larger home improvements such as replacing your windows with new models up to code, or replacing an old roof. Although these are major projects and will cost you money up front, they can save you money in insurance and even utility costs.

If you need more advice regarding home protection and insurance discounts, call the professionals at Anderson & Associates Insurance. We specialize in working with our clients to obtain the best insurance available for their needs and budget.

  • rbrassil@aginto.com
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  • rbrassil@aginto.com
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