Your insurance company is in full support of you making changes to your home that makes it safer. If you can make improvements to your home that prevent the possibility of future claims, you may actually see a reduction in your home insurance costs. But which projects will actually make your insurance more affordable?


1. Alarm system

An alarm system in one of the best ways to lower your insurance costs and protect your home from any potential break ins or burglars. Even just having the sign in your yard can ward off criminals. Whether you choose a local company or one of the larger, national ones, this quick, easy, and relatively inexpensive improvement can save you on premiums now and the emotional and financial costs of a break in in the future.

2. Better roofing

If you live in a part of the country that gets heavy rainfall, hail, snow, and wind, it might be worth your time to invest in better roofing for your home. If your roof is less likely to be damaged by impact and heavy weather, you are less likely to make a claim for a replacement, and therefore, your insurance company is more likely to cut you a break on premiums. Rubber singles are a great option, but investigate what local roofing companies recommend for your area and the type of weather that you receive.

3. Better wiring

If your wiring is more than twenty years old, you could be sitting on a potential electricity fire. Older wiring is one of the top causes of fires in residential areas and one that can be quickly remediated by having that wiring replaced. If you update your wiring and alert your home insurance company, they may be willing to lower your insurance costs.

4. Get deadbolts

Even if you live in a safe area, having a deadbolt on your door is important. While you might have grown up during a time and in a place where you could leave your doors unlocked, having a deadbolt is now a necessity. It upgrades your home security, potentially lower your insurance.

5. Fire suppression system

If fires are a concern in your area, a fire suppression system that automatically triggers if there is a fire on the property can significantly lower the costs of your insurance.

Andrea King
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Andrea King
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