There are lots of benefits to switching over to solar power, whether you switch entirely to solar power or only partially. Here’s what you need to know about going solar:



Read and understand your utility company’s rates before switching.

In most parts of the country, utility companies use a tiered system to determine how much you pay, based on how much you use. The higher rate of usage, the higher you will pay per kilowatt hour. When you switch to solar, you will automatically be using less power and will therefore probably be moved to a lower price tier for whatever other power you do use.


Only worry about batteries if you are going off the grid.

The only reason you would likely need solar batteries is if you want to leave the grid entirely. The average home uses solar power during the day and supplements with grid power during the night. Staying on the grid is usually the only way to receive the rebates promised by switching to solar power.


Make sure you know how much energy you use a month.

Track your energy usage by watching your power bills in order to determine how much power you use during the average month. This is the only way that you will be able to make sure you buy a system that adequately meets your power needs.


Direction of your solar panels is not as important as you think.

Most solar panel salespeople will tell you that you have to have your panels on the south facing side of your roof. The truth is that you will likely still get plenty of sun if you end up having to put them on a different part of your roof.

Andrea King
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Andrea King
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