Halloween is approaching and that means that cooler weather is on its way, too. Millions of people across the country love this holiday and love all of the spookiness that comes along with it. Even if you’re not into scary movies, skeletons, and ghosts, there are some things associated with Halloween that you should be concerned about. Here are two of the most common Halloween activities that could spook both you and your insurance provider:

Haunted Houses


Haunting your own house can be really fun and these are definitely favorite stops on the trick-or-treating route for kids both young and old. Turning your home into a haunted house is one of the best ways to get into the Halloween spirit, but a haunting can be risky, especially if you invite children into your home during the season. Why?

Because when kids get scared, they run. If they hurt themselves because they were running through your haunted house, you are liable to pay any resulting medical bills. This type of liability is the second most common and expensive home insurance claim. There are other dangers that come along with inviting strangers into your home, like trampolines and pools. These can be attractive to children, but can also result in injuries.

Last of all, there’s always mental and physical harm. While some succumb to the flight instinct, some will stay and fight, which could cause harm to you or another guest.

Creepy Parties

Hosting a fun Halloween-themed party at your house sounds like a good time, and it usually is. However, when you serve alcohol at a party, you could be opening yourself up to serious risks. Because you are serving the alcohol in your home, you can be held liable for what your guests do if they get tipsy or even drunk in your home—this includes driving under the influence.

You can prevent drunk drivers by staying on top of your guests and watching how much they drink. When someone is clearly beyond their limits, it’s time to direct them to the non-alcoholic beverages and to take away their keys. Make sure that no minors are getting into the alcoholic beverages and definitely don’t intentionally give them anything alcoholic to drink. Avoid playing drinking games and make sure to check in which each of your guests as they leave, to make sure they are alright to drive.

Andrea King
  • andrea@aginto.com
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Andrea King
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  • andrea@aginto.com
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