Here in Florida, get togethers can  happen pretty quickly – with our beautiful weather, we can’t help but gather in the backyard or around the firepit in the evening. Although we don’t like to think about it, accidents can happen when friends or neighbors are on our property – making coverage for this type of incident very important for homeowners. Coverage F, otherwise known as Medical Payments Coverage, is designed to help you to have peace of mind should something happen in your home or on your property.

homeowner's insurance Parrish
What is Coverage F?

Coverage F, or “Medical Payments to Others” coverage is the aspect of your homeowners insurance policy. It provides assistance for covering injuries sustained by an individual who is not a regular resident of your property. Coverage F pays small medical expenses when a guest to your home has sustained minor injuries while on your property. However, Coverage F  offers rather low limits of medical payments coverage, so it works best in conjunction with a individuals’ personal health insurance.

How Does Coverage F Protect Homeowners? 

Imagine that you invite your neighbors over for a barbeque. They accidentally slip on your lanai and they sprain their ankle. Because the injury occurred on your property, you could be held liable for the accident.  Coverage F coverage will be implemented to prevent you from having to pay out of pocket expenses for your neighbor’s medical bills.

Unfortunately, people are unpredictable.  A small incident  on your property or in your home could quickly turn into a lawsuit. By having Coverage F in your policy. you can hopefully prevent guests from looking to benefit from a costly lawsuit. This type of coverage should be adequate to cover you in the event of an accident. Ask your insurance provider about adding this coverage to your policy, and be sure to ask about increased limits.

Coverage F / Medical Payments to Others coverage will provide coverage for:

  • Ambulance and emergency vehicle rides
  • Medical attention from paramedics, at clinics or at a physician’s office
  • Hospital visits and stays
  • X-Rays or other diagnostic tests
  • Any necessary surgery or procedure
  • Necessary dental services

Coverage F does not cover the following situations:

  • Assistance for injuries suffered by a legal resident of the home
  • General pain or suffering
  • Damages to homeowner’s property
  • Accidents which occur outside the confines of your home or property

If An Accident Occurs

First and foremost, make sure that the injured person is okay and gets the medical information that they need. If a claim will be filed:

  1. Take as many photos of the site of the accident from different angles
  2. Record the personal information of the injured party
  3. Contact the claims department of your homeowner’s insurance company and apprise them of the situation

Assess Your Homeowner’s Coverage 

At Anderson & Associates Insurance Group, we recommend that you assess your homeowner’s insurance at least once per year. It is always a good idea to evaluate your policy, consider any major changes in the previous 12 months, and listen to advice as to how you can optimize your coverage.

Call today to discuss your homeowner’s insurance coverage policy and to get more information of the additional coverages that are available to you. Anderson & Associates Insurance Group is proud to work with clients in Sarasota, Bradenton, Parrish, Palmetto and the surrounding areas.

Calli Ramsey
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Calli Ramsey
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