The Items You Need In Your Hurricane Kit
Whether you've chosen to evacuate, have a mandatory evacuation order, or have chosen to stay during a hurricane - these are the items you need in your hurricane kit.
Whether you've chosen to evacuate, have a mandatory evacuation order, or have chosen to stay during a hurricane - these are the items you need in your hurricane kit.
With the upcoming school year fast approaching, discussing school bus safety is a high priority for many school districts. Here are school bus safety tips for you to remember for 2017.
Roofing fraud is one of the most common types of contractor fraud, especially because of how legitimate the fraud seems when it is first being introduced to you. If your contractor claims that they are going to take care of everything, including your policy, a [...]
Most people do not think of the sidewalks in front of their home as part of their property. But what happens if there is a crack in that sidewalk or some other kind of similar damage, and someone falls on that sidewalk?
Whether you are just going to be gone for the weekend or whether or are heading out for a month-long adventure, a vacation is the perfect time for a burglar to target your house.
When shopping for or buying your Manatee County home, you probably have a list of questions to ask your realtor. Here are 3 additional questions to include.
Clients will often ask if there is a best time of the year to purchase or shop their homeowners insurance. Shelli Ensminger of Anderson & Associates outlines the basics in this quick tip video.
Spring may be just around the corner. At least that’s the word from Staten Island Chuck. Just before 7:30 a.m., New York City’s official Groundhog Day prognosticator crawled out of his burrow and looked for his shadow, but to no avail. An early spring is [...]
When planning your cruise, you are probably not spending that much time thinking about what could wrong while you are on the ship. And that’s fine! You shouldn’t have to. But you should have a contingency plan in place just in case there is an [...]
If you’re moving into a dorm, you might think that you don’t need insurance. These dorms are usually kept and managed by the university, so many students assume that they are already insured—while this might not actually be the case. The truth is that the [...]