How Car Insurance Fraud Hurts Us All
Most people probably don’t give car insurance fraud much thought. The truth is, however, that car insurance fraud hurts everyone. Here's more info...
Most people probably don’t give car insurance fraud much thought. The truth is, however, that car insurance fraud hurts everyone. Here's more info...
Each year, 100,00 sleep deprived Americans are involved in accidents. Here are 6 tips on staying awake while driving.
With the recent Jurassic World movie coming to DVD and Blu-Ray this weekend, it got us thinking: What if we had a Jurassic type attack carve a path of destruction through South Florida? Would your home insurance cover the damage that A T-Rex does to your neighborhood?
With so many affordable car insurance options out there, it can be confusing to sort through. Here are the 5 most commonly asked car insurance questions.
Sinkholes can happen at any time and usually without very much warning. In the event of a sinkhole, will your home insurance cover the damages? Find out here.
In order to renew a driver's license, should older people be required to take driving safety tests before being issued a valid license?
It's football season. When tailgating at your Florida home, you need to take a few precautions. Here's your 2015 home tailgating safety checklist.
Many Americans are caught off guard by being underinsured when disaster strikes. Here's how you can make sure you're not underinsured.
Bundling your insurance policies under one roof provides great advantages for better service and lower rates. Here's more information on bundling insurance.
Whether you live in a hurricane prone area or not, you have to be prepared for the worst, and that includes being prepared to care for your beloved pets. Here are a few tips: