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Veronica Huzzard

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Veronica Huzzard

About Veronica Huzzard

I was recruited into insurance 16 years ago. I have watched the insurance market in Florida go through so many changes. As an independent agent with Anderson & Associates for a over a decade now, I pride myself on obtaining competitive prices for my clients.

Recognizing Summer Storm Damage

There is one thing we can be sure of here in Manatee County, Florida - summer is likely to bring severe storms. Hurricane season began on June 1 and runs through November 30, but severe weather doesn't always follow a calendar. That being said, crazy [...]

2022-07-14T14:45:18+00:00By |Homeowners Insurance|

Do Your Parents Need to Stop Driving?

There are a lot of senior citizens on the road in Florida, and despite stories to the contrary, most are very safe drivers. Senior citizens are more likely to obey the speed limit. They are not reckless drivers, and many no longer drink. Still, growing [...]

2022-06-07T04:40:23+00:00By |Auto Insurance|

Can You Insure Vehicles You Don’t Own?

While you might think that the insurance company wouldn't mind who pays for the insurance on any given vehicle, it can be tricky if you want to insure vehicles that you don't own. The issue is that most car insurance providers are typically reluctant to [...]

2022-05-29T21:49:01+00:00By |Auto Insurance|

Underwater Obstacles to Avoid When Boating

In the Sarasota and Bradenton area, watersports are a way of life. We love being out on the water, whether it be on a kayak, a raft or a motorboat. If you are a boater and new to this area, you should learn about some of the regional underwater obstacles which you may encounter.

2018-11-16T00:00:00+00:00By |Boat Insurance|