Should You Buy a New Car?
If you are going to drive your new car for as long as it lasts, that purchase may serve you well. Depreciation rate slows significantly after the first years.
If you are going to drive your new car for as long as it lasts, that purchase may serve you well. Depreciation rate slows significantly after the first years.
The beginning of the year is the perfect time to test out your “insurance resolutions” - to evaluate your policies and make necessary changes.
Installing hurricane shutters can significantly impact your homeowners insurance in a positive way, similar to any home upgrade which protects the residence.
Here is South Florida, water is a way of life. Whether the Gulf of Mexico, the Manatee River, or Phillippi Creek - our waterways are pristine and cherished by all who live here. Unfortunately, this water which winds its way throughout much of our area [...]
If you are purchasing a home, you are aware that having basic home insurance is a necessity if you have a mortgage. In fact, the lender requires you to have a homeowner's insurance policy. And while it may be a requirement to obtain for your [...]
Despite nearly daily headlines (pre-COVID-19) indicating the looming threat of ACA being repealed or replaced, this has not happened as of this date.
Although there may be some circumstances when purchasing rental car insurance is necessary, most people already have coverage through some other avenue.
Home renovations can greatly affect your insurance coverage. Whatever the reason for your remodeling project, call your insurance provider first.
While most people have a homeowner's insurance policy, many don't really understand the terms of what it does - and does not- cover.
Putting a teenager behind the wheel of a car can be an anxious time, and adding teen drivers to your auto insurance can add to that anxiety. Teenagers are among the highest risk demographic and therefore it can be an expensive proposition to add them [...]