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Andrea King

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Andrea King

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So far Andrea King has created 291 blog entries.

Driving Without Current Insurance

It is illegal to drive your vehicle in the state of Florida without valid and current auto insurance. If you are involved in a car accident and you do not have proper insurance coverage, there could be many consequences. In this article we will examine [...]

2023-07-24T23:14:21+00:00By |Auto Insurance|

Time to Review Your Boat Insurance Policy

Living in Florida affords us the fantastic opportunity to spend most of the year cruising the water with friends and family on boats, but this is only possible if you keep your vessel in good condition and prepare for any accidents that might occur. Boat [...]

2023-05-26T00:35:32+00:00By |Boat Insurance|

Driving Gets More Dangerous in the Summer

As we move into the end of spring and look forward to summer, Florida weather will become irresistible - and many people will be hitting the road to the beach and other outdoor activities. Even though we are only four months into the year, the [...]

2023-04-24T07:01:56+00:00By |Auto Insurance|

Points on Your Florida License?

Even the best and most responsible drivers among us will likely receive minor traffic violations if they drive and commute often. Whether it be a slight lapse in judgment or a lead foot on a busy day, traffic infractions that don't balloon into significant accidents [...]

2023-03-31T03:42:01+00:00By |Auto Insurance|

Umbrella Insurance Policies Explained

If you go an extended amount of time without making a claim on your home or auto insurance, it might seem like you are not getting value for your money. Adding even more coverage to your policy through an umbrella policy? Who would ever need [...]

2023-02-10T07:15:16+00:00By |Umbrella Insurance|

Preventing Home Fires

Every day, more than one thousand individual house fires occur in American homes, claiming on average 5 to 10 lives. House fires are also a devastating financial setback for a growing family, even if all members get out of the house unscathed. House fires can [...]

2023-02-03T04:06:01+00:00By |Consumer Information, Home Insurance|