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Andrea King

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So far Andrea King has created 285 blog entries.

Points on Your Florida License?

Even the best and most responsible drivers among us will likely receive minor traffic violations if they drive and commute often. Whether it be a slight lapse in judgment or a lead foot on a busy day, traffic infractions that don't balloon into significant accidents [...]

2023-03-31T03:42:01+00:00By |Auto Insurance|

Umbrella Insurance Policies Explained

If you go an extended amount of time without making a claim on your home or auto insurance, it might seem like you are not getting value for your money. Adding even more coverage to your policy through an umbrella policy? Who would ever need [...]

2023-02-10T07:15:16+00:00By |Umbrella Insurance|

Preventing Home Fires

Every day, more than one thousand individual house fires occur in American homes, claiming on average 5 to 10 lives. House fires are also a devastating financial setback for a growing family, even if all members get out of the house unscathed. House fires can [...]

2023-02-03T04:06:01+00:00By |Consumer Information, Home Insurance|

Insurance Deductibles – What you Need to Know

There are many factors to consider when it comes to finding the perfect health insurance plan. Insurance deductibles are one of the areas that consumers sometimes have strong opinions about. Some swear by the lower monthly costs that a high deductible brings, while others love [...]

2022-12-08T18:41:59+00:00By |Consumer Information|

4-Point Inspections for Homeowners

4-point inspections are critical when purchasing an older home, usually when a home is older than 40 years old. These inspections allow insurance companies to gauge the house's overall upkeep, determining if there are any lingering issues to be considered when developing an insurance quote. [...]

2022-11-16T22:53:30+00:00By |Home Insurance|

Home Inventories for Your Insurance Policy

Hurricane season is ending in Florida, and there is a sense of relief for many who escaped unscathed once again. You might not want to think about future preparations at this point. However, if you do not currently have a home inventory, any future hurricanes [...]

2022-11-11T04:23:55+00:00By |Home Insurance|

Time to Update Your Life Insurance Policies

Insurance is just one way to provide a sense of security for yourself and your family. Knowing that any unexpected house, car, or medical bills will be covered allows you to develop a financial plan that works within your budget. However, life insurance policies are [...]

2022-10-29T01:40:19+00:00By |Life Insurance|

Save on Home Insurance Premiums

Florida is known as the Sunshine State. But despite this moniker, Florida is routinely ranked in the top 5 states for yearly precipitation, thanks to our numerous storms and hurricanes. For this reason, homeowners insurance in Florida can be well above the national average. On [...]

2022-10-15T22:29:10+00:00By |Home Insurance|