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Andrea King

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Andrea King

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So far Andrea King has created 290 blog entries.

Could Your Home Insurance Claim Be Denied?

Shelli Ensminger of Anderson & Associates talks with Chris Tollette from Always Home about ways that some home insurance claims are denied for snowbirds sometimes, and how to avoid this. Anderson & Associates has been serving Manatee County residents with property insurance coverage since 1985. [...]

2017-07-10T00:00:00+00:00By |Videos|

Does Home Insurance Cover Trampolines?

A trampoline can be a fun, physical outdoor activity for kids and adults alike, but there’s no denying that they can be dangerous, even when you take safety precautions. Knowing whether or not your trampoline and any injuries that might happen because of those trampolines [...]

2017-07-10T00:00:00+00:00By |Homeowners Insurance|

Roofing Fraud – How to Protect Yourself

Roofing fraud is one of the most common types of contractor fraud, especially because of how legitimate the fraud seems when it is first being introduced to you. If your contractor claims that they are going to take care of everything, including your policy, a [...]

2017-06-27T00:00:00+00:00By |Consumer Information|

Assignment of Benefits

Andrea King of Anderson & Associates discusses why insurance premiums are so high in Florida, specifically due to insurance fraud and the assignment of benefits scam that many homeowners are running into.

2017-06-26T00:00:00+00:00By |Videos|

The Anderson & Associates Insurance App

We've just launched our new company app! The App is available in the Google Play & Apple iTunes Store. With our app, you can access your policy information, make payments, and even file a claim if needed.

2017-05-26T00:00:00+00:00By |Videos|