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6 04, 2022

5 Suprising Homeowner Coverages

2022-06-08T06:24:45+00:00By |Home Insurance, Homeowners Insurance|

Your homeowner's insurance policy is meant to protect your home, your property, and your belongings. It also limits your liability exposure. You would expect your coverage to include theft, vandalism, or storm damages - but your homeowner coverages also might include a few surprises. Let's [...]

21 03, 2022

Uninsured Drivers Cost Us All

2022-06-11T08:28:35+00:00By |Auto Insurance, Auto Insurance Claims|

According to a 2021 study by the Insurance Research Council, approximately 1 in 8 motorists on the road (12.6%) are uninsured. The number of uninsured drivers varies depending on the area of the country. New Jersey, for instance, had the lowest rate of uninsured drivers, [...]

14 03, 2022

7 Life Insurance Pitfalls

2022-06-21T04:04:45+00:00By |Life Insurance|

They say the only two sure things are death and taxes. If 2020 and beyond taught us anything, it was that this truth could blindside us. No matter how often we exercise, how well we eat, and how many bad habits we avoid, we will [...]

7 03, 2022

Misconceptions about Renters Insurance

2022-06-21T05:29:49+00:00By |Renters Insurance|

The last 12 months in Florida have been a year of significant growth. In fact, this area has seen one of the most significant spikes in population that have ever occurred in the state, and residents are feeling the crunch. The state is becoming more [...]