Even if you read your Florida home insurance policy thoroughly before purchasing it, there may still be some things that you are not aware that it covers.

Here are six things your home insurance policy may cover that you might not have known about:

  1. Replacing your locks or keys. If you need to change your locks or need to make replacement keys for your home, your insurance may actually cover this expense, which can be a huge relief for those who need to replace their locks and/or keys because a set of their keys has been lost or stolen.
  1. Frozen food lost due to a power outage. How much do you think you would have to spend in order to replace all of the frozen food that would be lost during an extended power outage? Especially for those with an additional freezer in the garage or basement, losing all of that food could be a major expense—but it is an expense that is often covered by home insurance.Additionally, these items are typically covered by Renters Insurance policies as well. If you’re renting, here’s a quick read on Common Myths about Renters Insurance


  1. Your backyard. Sure, it may be home insurance, but your backyard is part of your home, isn’t it? If an expensive grill is stolen from your patio, that theft may be more than covered by a home insurance policy. The same goes for anything else of worth that you store in your yard.
  1. Hotel stays due to natural disasters or damage. If your home is damaged by a flood, fire, or tornado, you often will be able to file a claim for the cost of having to stay in a local hotel or other accommodation.
  1. Your cellphone. Did you know that some home insurance policies actually do cover your cellphone—of course, only when it is actually inside the home. This goes for other expensive electronics in your home, as well, ranging from tablets to jewelry, and beyond. Instead of buying insurance policies specifically for those items, check if your home insurance covers them. In many cases, you’re already covered.
  1. Terrorism. That’s right, if your neighborhood is the target of a terrorist attack, the damage caused by that terrorism is often covered by your standard home insurance policy. Keep in mind, however, that your coverage may not include an attack that is classified as an act of war, rather than as a terrorist attack.

At the end of the day, having coverage for all of the things you need is a good idea. For a free review of your home insurance policy, use the form on this page to contact our local Manatee County insurance agents.

Andrea King
  • andrea@aginto.com
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Andrea King
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  • andrea@aginto.com
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