Having a gun in the home isn’t right for everyone.

If you are considering buying a gun or you already have guns in your home, here are five things you should keep in mind:


1. Consider what the gun is for. 

For most people, guns in the home are for self-defense or hunting. If the weapon is for home defense, you likely want to keep the gun within reach, while still keeping it secure, especially if you have children in the home. If the gun is for hunting, it should be securely stored until it is time to use it.

2. You are responsible for knowing your state and county laws surrounding gun ownership and transport.

There are both state and federal laws governing what types of guns you can buy and how or if they are allowed to be transported. It is your responsibility to know this information if you own guns and keep them in your home.

3. It is important to understand everything about your guns.

You should not just know how to load and shoot them. You should also know how to cleans and reassemble your weapon, as well as how to unjam it.

4. It is also important to educate your children.

I grew up with guns in the home. Our father taught us from a very young age to respect them as dangerous weapons. He taught us how to shoot in self-defense, and always addressed any concerns or questions we had. You will have to decide for yourself the best way to introduce your children to guns and how to keep them safe.

5. Make sure your weapon is properly stored.

If you only take your gun out occasionally for target practice or hunting, make sure the gun is properly stored to prevent rusting.

Andrea King
  • andrea@aginto.com
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Andrea King
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  • andrea@aginto.com
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