Home alarms can be a great way to protect your home.

Most thieves and intruders will abandon your home the moment an alarm goes off—and even just having a sign in your yard or window that displays your alarm can be a deterrent. You might even get a discount on your home insurance if you install a home alarm—because you’ve taken a measure to make your home safer and therefore less likely to incur damage that your insurance company would have to pay for.

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But how do you know which home alarms you need? There are many different options to choose from, depending on how you want to protect your home and how much you want to pay. Most home alarms have three aspects you need to consider: monitoring, installation, and automation.

How does the company you are considering monitor your home? Do they call you on a landline if the alarm is triggered? Or do they call your cellular phone? The third monitoring option is broadband—the fastest, but also usually the most expensive option.

When it comes to installation, you have essentially two choices: either a do it yourself alarm installation or a professional installation. Most companies will offer you either one or the other, with DIY being less expensive (but far more difficult for the home owner), and professional installation being more expensive (but much easier for the home owner).

Home automation is the third aspect to consider. Does the security system allow you to automate your home from your phone? Can you turn off and on the lights? Can you lock and unlock doors right from the company’s app?

These are often the most expensive systems, but they can also be the most effective and useful to a home owner who wants to protect their home from intruders.

Andrea King
  • andrea@aginto.com
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Andrea King
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  • andrea@aginto.com
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