When planning your cruise, you are probably not spending that much time thinking about what could wrong while you are on the ship. And that’s fine! You shouldn’t have to. But you should have a contingency plan in place just in case there is an issue, whether it be missing bags or a hurricane that cancels the cruise. This is exactly what cruise insurance is: it’s vacation insurance specifically for cruises. Here are a few reasons you should purchase it:

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A cruise is an investment and you should protect investments.

Even the least expensive cruises are still fairly expensive. If the trip is canceled because you have a family emergency, especially at the last minute, you will simply be out that money, unless you have insurance that reimburses you from missing your trip.

You might have a medical emergency onboard.

Most cruise ships have a medic or even a doctor on board that can help you if you were to have a medical emergency, but your standard health insurance might not cover these costs. You don’t want to be saddled with a medical bill of tens of thousands of dollars just because you had a medical emergency onboard the ship.

You might need to leave early.

Say there is an emergency back home that you need to attend to or everyone onboard the ship gets food poisoning and you don’t want to stick around to see the aftermath. If you need to cut the trip short, the cruise line is unlikely to reimburse you for just part of your trip. Your cruise insurance, on the other hand, is there to do exactly that.

Andrea King
  • andrea@aginto.com
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Andrea King
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  • andrea@aginto.com
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