Not many people can go about their daily routine without using a car. Modern life puts so much importance on automobiles that even one minor issue that temporarily renders a vehicle inoperable can have cascading adverse financial effects. Some car problems can occur randomly, but many issues can be spotted and addressed through routine vehicle maintenance before they turn into disasters. Today, let’s discuss some early warning signs to keep an eye out for to ensure your car stays in perfect working condition.

vehicle insurance Sarasota

Warning and Check Engine Lights: Your car comes equipped with a lot of bells and whistles that can sometimes be overwhelming. Unfortunately, many Americans have experience with a vehicle that shows inaccurate warnings, such as a ‘Check Engine’ light, that never seems to go away even after the problems are addressed. Still, ignoring new lights and warnings that appear is never a good idea. The most common alerts, such as low gas messages, are important enough, but issues such as warnings for an overheated engine or a lack of oil can quickly develop into dangerous situations if left unattended. Even ignoring something like a tire pressure indicator can have rippling effects, where the less optimal tires cause the car to work overtime and stress other areas of the vehicle. This is why vehicle maintenance is so important.

Unusual Sounds / Smells: Obvious things to look out for include anytime your car begins creating weird sounds or giving off strange aromas. Belts squeal and shriek, engines or exhaust systems hiss, and many other car parts can rattle around, alerting you of potential problems. Because most car parts are closely integrated, one malfunctioning part can degrade another. The best thing to do is to investigate any strange noises immediately before the component fails entirely.

The smell of burning rubber is unpleasant and immediately signals something is wrong, whether it be a tire quickly degrading or an internal rubber tube overheating. Smelling oil and seeing heat rise from your engine block could indicate that oil is making its way up through the car and landing on the hot engine before dissipating into the air. Anything that seems out of place should be brought before a professional to further investigate. You might now know exactly how leaking coolant smells, but your nose will let you know if something is out of the ordinary.

Cracks in Windshields or Windows: No matter how small, a crack in a window or windshield can rapidly become a serious and dangerous issue. If left unrepaired, a minor fracture can spread, take on water – and subsequently expand and contract – and obstruct your sight when driving. Here in Florida, water freezing within cracks is less of a concern, but the recent cold front barreling down on the entire USA shows you the importance of planning and fixing all issues with your car as they arrive. The worst time for your windshield to fail and shatter completely is right when cold weather finally makes its way down here to Sarasota.

A shattered windshield also has the devastating possibility to inflict massive amounts of damage in the case of an accident. Most modern windshields are designed to break in a way that reduces the chance of sharp and jagged pieces forming, but a windshield lacking structural integrity is more likely to damage you and your passengers when it breaks.

Of course, it is also essential to have adequate car insurance to protect you in the event of any accident or damage. If you need more information regarding the best automobile insurance for you, call the experts at Anderson & Associates Insurance Group.

Calli Ramsey
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Calli Ramsey
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