In the Sarasota and Bradenton area, watersports are a way of life. We love being out on the water, whether it be on a kayak, a raft or a motorboat.

If you are a boater and new to this area, you should learn about some of the regional underwater obstacles which you may encounter. Although these are not necessarily unique to South Florida, they may present challenges you are not familiar with.

underwater obstacles

Underwater Obstacles in South Florida

  • Manatees: These aquatic creatures are among the gentlest and most beloved animals in Florida. Nicknamed the “sea cow” because of their slow, plant-eating nature, the manatee has few natural predators – and as such, they tend to be friendly, inquisitive, and perhaps not cautious enough. The hulking frame of the manatee often floats just below the surface, and the biggest threat to them are boats traveling too quickly. They are often killed or maimed by boat propellers. If you are boating in South Florida waters, proceed slowly through calm water and keep your eyes peeled for the manatee.
  • Rocks and Coral Reefs: This area is not necessarily known for coral reefs or large rocks, but there are some areas where these formations exist. When traveling through clear Gulf waters you may not expect a rock outcropping like at Point of Rocks beach, so it is important to get a map or speak with a local as to the areas you need to be aware of. Although the water is generally very clear, the reef may take you by surprise, so be prepared.
  • Sandbars and Passes: If you are familiar with oceans and bays, boating around the Gulf presents a different experience. When navigating offshore in the Atlantic or Pacific, the water can be very deep only a hundred feet offshore. In contrast, Gulf waters can remain very shallow hundreds of yards from the beach. In fact, sandbars often appear in the midst of deeper water, and so depth cannot be gauged by the surrounding water. Passes between offshore Keys also are affected by tides and shifting sand, and depths are variable. Be sure to check the local tides before heading out onto the water.
  • Grassy Marshes: The Sarasota area has a myriad of waterways and marine ecosystems. From mangrove forests to the grass flats, there are many areas that not only get shallow quickly, but can also be clogged with roots, grasses and reeds which can tangle in your motor. Understanding the terrain of the waters you are navigating will be instrumental to staying our of trouble in the diverse ecosystems.

Underwater obstacles may cause damage to your boat or your motor – but running into them may also cause harm to the beautiful and delicate Florida environment. That is why it is so important to be prepared whenever you take a boat out into unfamiliar waters. Obtain all relevant charts and maps, and speak to local boaters and fishermen as to what you should be watching for.

You should also make sure that your boat is properly insured in case you do run aground or hit an obstacle. Whether on the water or on the road, you can trust the professionals at Anderson & Associates Insurance to provide the comprehensive boat insurance policy you need. Call us today to ensure that your next outdoor adventure is properly insured – then go have fun!

Veronica Huzzard
I was recruited into insurance 16 years ago. I have watched the insurance market in Florida go through so many changes. As an independent agent with Anderson & Associates for a over a decade now, I pride myself on obtaining competitive prices for my clients.
Veronica Huzzard
I was recruited into insurance 16 years ago. I have watched the insurance market in Florida go through so many changes. As an independent agent with Anderson & Associates for a over a decade now, I pride myself on obtaining competitive prices for my clients.
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