Every day, more than one thousand individual house fires occur in American homes, claiming on average 5 to 10 lives. House fires are also a devastating financial setback for a growing family, even if all members get out of the house unscathed. House fires can occur quickly and without warning but are often caused by preventable threats that go overlooked by the homeowner. Sarasota homeowners can protect their families and property with basic fire safety prevention. Today, we will discuss the most effective ways that members of your family can be proactive regarding the prevention of home fires.
home fires insurance Palmetto

General Fire Safety Tips

Just because most house fires are preventable does not mean you should rely on each house member to stop fires before they start. The sad reality is that fires can befall even well-informed households. While proper prevention strategies are critical, alert systems like smoke alarms and escape plans play just as essential of a role.

Fire extinguishersshould be placed in strategic areas of the house, anywhere that fires can occur. Kitchens are most susceptible to fires due to hot cooking surfaces and have a wide range of fires (grease fires, gas fires, combustible material fires) which can all demand a different type of fire extinguisher class to tackle properly. Other areas, like garages and workshops with power tools and electrical panels, are also prone to fires. Teach members of your family the correct way to deploy the fire extinguishers and stash them in easily accessible places near possible danger zones.

Smoke alarmsare another essential component of a safe home. Install smoke alarms on every floor and bedroom. Bedrooms are especially important as half of the reported fatalities occur at night when people sleep. Smoke alarms should be tested monthly, and batteries changed when needed. If your smoke alarm begins to “chirp,” replace the battery immediately.

Fire evacuation planshelp you and your family escape should a fire become out of control and unmanageable. Map out all the ways the house can be evacuated should a fire block certain areas like key hallways or rooms. This may involve evacuating through a window, so practice beforehand with your family.

Most Common Preventable Home Fires

Knowing how to survive and detect a fire is essential, but prevention knowledge is vital.

Kitchen firesare by far the most common type of house fire reported each year. Cooking routinely involves high heat and flammable materials, but proper cooking strategies and a keen eye are more than enough to stop any fire before it gets out of hand. Leaving food unattended while cooking is a surefire way to let a fire grow to uncontrollable levels before it can be stopped. Familiarize yourself with the most common fires and the quick methods to inhibit their growth. Grease fires, for example, can usually be cut short by cutting off the oxygen supply with the lid of the pan.

Electrical and appliance fires are often thought of as scary and uncontrollable, as a faulty plug or cord has the chance to blow at any minute. The truth is that many electrical fires can also be stopped with proper prevention methods. By following manufacturer recommendations on the use of electronics and not overloading outlets with too many power-drawing devices, you lower the chance of a catastrophic failure. One of the most common house fire culprits, the space heater, is less common in Florida but almost always causes home fires due to operational negligence. Make sure it is spaced away from flammable materials and out of the path of foot travel in the home.

There is no way to guarantee that your home will not experience a fire, but some simple precautions can significantly minimize your chances of a fire occurring. Anderson & Associates Insurance Group provides comprehensive home, vehicle, and business insurance to South Florida residents. Call us today to cover your home for any eventualities.

Andrea King
  • andrea@aginto.com
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Andrea King
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  • andrea@aginto.com
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