October 18th – October 24th is National Teen Driver Safety week. Many parents dread the day their teen turns sixteen and asks the question, “when can I get my drivers license”? Here are some important tips to go over with your teen before putting them in the driver’s seat alone for the first time to help ensure they do not become a statistic:

  • Keep the cell phone off and don’t text. Accidents are occurring to often due to phone usage while driving.
  • Obey the speed limit. As tempting as it is to drive fast, it can have bad results. Tickets and not enough reaction time which can cause unnecessary accidents
  • Drive Solo-Minimize Distractions.  This will ensure their full focus is on the road and not on friends, family or pets
  • Choose a safe care and always turn on your headlights during rain, fog and at night.

Help your teen be a better driver. By following these simple but important tips, you can reduce the number of teen driver statistics.


Andrea King
  • andrea@aginto.com
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Andrea King
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  • andrea@aginto.com
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