With the cool Fall weather in Manatee County Florida, it’s a great time to hit the open road on your motorcycle. Ensuring that your motorcycle insurance covers all of your needs is a top priority. Here are some of the most common questions we receive when it comes to motorcycle insurance:

How much does motorcycle insurance cost?

The cost of motorcycle insurance will vary depending on what type of motorcycle you drive, how much that motorcycle cost, where you ride it, your driving history, and more. If you want to know how much you are likely to pay for motorcycle insurance, a good way to get an idea is to look for a free quote or to contact an insurance agent.

Driving Motorbikes

What type of coverage do I need?

This is another situation in which the answer will vary from person to person and motorcycle to motorcycle. We recommend that you choose the coverage that provides you with the most options and the best coverage, while still being affordable. This means that your bills will be covered if you are in an accident, but even if you are never in an accident, you never have to pay premiums so high that they are an undue burden. In general, your plan should have collision, liability, accessory, and comprehensive coverage, whenever possible.

What do I do if I am in an accident?

The very first thing you should do is move your motorcycle to the edge of the road or highway. You want to get out of the way of oncoming traffic, not just for your safety, but also for the safety of other riders and drivers. If you cannot move your motorcycle, leave it in the road, but remove yourself from the road. Next, call the police. If there were any witnesses (and most eyewitnesses know to stick around if they see an accident), get their information so the police can contact them.

Then, make sure that you exchange contact and insurance information with the other parties involved in the accident. If you have a camera on you, start taking pictures of the scene and the vehicles involved. Have your motorcycle towed and then call your insurance provider to let them know about the accident.

How do I lower my rates?

Good driving and riding behavior is generally the best way to get better premiums. When you exhibit good riding behavior, you are less of a risk for insurance companies, so they give you a break on premiums.

If you have questions regarding your motorcycle insurance, or what to review your policy to see where you can save money and lower your motorcycle insurance rates, contact our experienced insurance agents, here.

Andrea King
  • andrea@aginto.com
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Andrea King
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  • andrea@aginto.com
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