We hear about things like boat theft all the time on the local news, but you never really think it could happen to you. According to a study of the BoatUS Marine Insurance Claims Files, 10 out of every 1,000 personal watercrafts are stolen and 2 out of every 1,000 runabouts are stolen.

Purchasing a boat insurance policy is certainly an important aspect of protecting you and your vessel, especially if it’s stolen. However, there are several boat theft prevention tips that you can implement in order to reduce the risk of your boat being stolen or burglarized.

To keep your boat safe, the first thing to remember is that a thief will look for an easy opportunity. Help prevent theft by remembering time, noise, and visibility. The more you can do to increase the time it takes to steal your boat, the better off you’ll be. Every measure you take toward theft prevention should make noise to keep the burglar away and your boat should be visible, making it difficult to steal. Here are some additional tips to help make sure your boat stays safe.

Make Sure Your Boat Can’t Be Easily Moved When Parked

There are several ways to keep your boat from being easily moved, like securing your prop. While it might add a few minutes to your prep when you get to your boat on a Saturday morning, it’s better to make sure that it’s not easy for someone else to come in and move your boat quickly. Remember, the more you can do to increase the time it takes to steal your boat, the better of you’ll be.

Choose Your Marina Wisely

If you are storing your boat in a marina, be sure to choose one with good lighting and full-time security. The marina employees should be aware of your boat and when you are using it. The sooner a marina employee is aware your boat is missing, the sooner you can be alerted and the better odds you’ll have of getting your property back.

Get an Alarm

There are alarm systems specifically designed for marine use that you can purchase and use to protect your boat. There are also other electronic anti-theft devices that are capable of alerting you in the event that the vessel is moved from where you left it without your knowledge and permission.

Another one of the best tips for preventing boat theft is to equip your vessel with GPS tracking devices for boats. These tiny trackers allow you to determine the boat’s accurate and real-time location should the thieves succeed and they move your boat to their base. GPS trackers make recovering your boat faster.

Andrea King
  • andrea@aginto.com
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Andrea King
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  • andrea@aginto.com
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