Shelli: Hi, I’m Shelli from Anderson & Associates Insurance Group and I’m here with my friend, Julie Gantley, from Discount Med Direct. And she is going to tell us a little bit about some options or really high prescription drug costs.

Julie Gantley: Thanks for having me here, Shelli.

Shelli: Yeah, great.

Julie Gantley: Discount Med Direct started about nine years ago as a really valuable alternative for seniors to order prescription medication. Often, they fall in the Medicare donut hole and pay out of pocket. So that has been our primary customer. But we also help people who are uninsured or underinsured or just people with high copays. You can pay up 80% less for the same prescription that you get through us through a mail-order service where we order internationally and sometimes the United States and pay 80% less and have it delivered right to your door.

Shelli: I remember hearing that you guys can do some pet medications also?

Julie Gantley: We do. We have a number of pet medications that we can order for you and also at a greater lower cost.

Shelli: Discounted rate. That’s great. We have lots of – lots of our clients are pet owners. So, what would be an example of some of the drugs that are most common and what kind of savings do you offer?

Julie Gantley: Okay. I’ve got some good example. Eliquis is one. It’s a really common blood thinner. A lot of seniors end up paying out of pocket for that because of the high cost. If they would have purchased it, it is about $400 a month at your big bucks pharmacy. We can get that same prescription for three months for $308. So that’s a really big savings.

Shelli: That’s a big savings. That’s huge.

Julie Gantley: Yeah. We get great prices on hormone replacement therapy, inhalers, some other products that you don’t hear too often like a generic for Harvoni which is the generic version of a hepatitis C drug that actually has been found to cure hepatitis C. If you bought that, the cash price is $80,000. Many insurers wait years to pay for it until the person actually has liver damage. We can get that same medication …

Shelli: That’s crazy.

Julie Gantley: … same medication for $1,200 versus $80,000. And so, that’s something I really like to get the word out about because there are more and more especially boomers …

Shelli: People that are diagnosed and not getting treatment because of the cost.

Julie Gantley: They can’t afford it or they don’t have insurance. So $1,200, I mean it’s a lot of money but when you compare it to $80,000 and the cost of your life, it’s not a lot at all. So I just like to get that word out.

Shelli: Yeah, that’s a great example. Thank you. Thank you very much for coming by today.

Julie Gantley: Oh, you’re welcome. Thank you for having me.

Shelli: Great.

Anderson & Associates has been serving Manatee County residents with property insurance coverage since 1985. We offer homeowners (including mobile homes), car insurance, life, health, umbrella insurance policies. We’re a family-owned and operated insurance agency, and we treat you like family.
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