If you’re moving into a dorm, you might think that you don’t need insurance. These dorms are usually kept and managed by the university, so many students assume that they are already insured—while this might not actually be the case. The truth is that the insurance held by the university probably only covers the structure of the building and the items they own (like the bed frame and the couch). Like most students, you will be bringing other valuable items with you, ranging from a laptop to a television to video game consoles.

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In this instance, you might want to know if there is such a thing as dorm room insurance and if there is, if you need it. The answer is yes on both fronts. Let’s face it, you might get assigned a roommate who turns out to be crazy and steals all your stuff. Or they might have friends who do exactly that. You might forget to lock the door of your room when rushing off to class or a pipe might burst while you are all gone for winter break and the entire floor floods. Having your own insurance to cover the items you own will ensure that they will be replaced if they are stolen or damaged.

In some instances, your parent’s home insurance policy might cover you and your items as you live away from home, but there are limitations, especially when it comes to dollar amounts. A renter’s policy is another good option, but there are policies specifically for dorm rooms and the especial hazards that come along with this living arrangement.

Andrea King
  • andrea@aginto.com
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Andrea King
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  • andrea@aginto.com
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