Golf carts are multipurpose vehicles. You can use them on a golf course, around your neighborhood or on your property. For example, some people own properties in gated communities on the waterfront, and they may use a golf cart to travel from their home to their neighbor’s home. You can even use it to go to the town or city and no one will be surprised.

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Some states actually mandate golf cart owners to buy liability insurance for their golf carts, like Arizona. Moreover, a golf cart does not come cheap. Golf carts can get damaged when a hurricane hits or by flooding. The golf cart may also injure someone or it may run over another person’s property. These may be freak accidents but in all these cases, you will undoubtedly take a financial hit. That is, unless you have insured against it.

Does Florida have mandatory golf cart insurance?

Florida does not require compulsory insurance for a golf cart. But considering how much you may have to pay if your golf cart goes awry, it makes sense to insure it.

The question is, is a golf cart covered under a homeowners’ policy? Usually, no. This is important, because some people think their homeowners’ policy or car insurance covers their golf cart, but it doesn’t. To be sure, please check with your insurance agent.

It all depends on where you live, who your insurance carrier is and for what purpose you are using the golf cart. For example, if you use the golf cart to service your residence, then it might be covered by your homeowners’ policy. But if it is not covered, speak to your insurance agent to try and add a rider to your homeowners/car insurance policy to provide the said cover. On the other hand, separate insurance policies for golf carts are also available.

A typical golf cart insurance policy covers against

  • Property damage– Helps you pay if you damage another person’s property with your golf cart.
  • Bodily injury– Protects you from financial losses if you cause injury to another person with your golf cart.
  • Collision coverage– Helps you pay for repairs to your golf cart in case of damage to the golf cart.
  • Comprehensive coverage– Protects your golf cart against theft, fire, hail; basically anything apart from a collision.

A golf cart is very convenient no doubt, but just one small mishap and you will end up footing the bill. If you own a golf cart in Florida, please speak to an agent at Anderson & Associates about golf cart insurance options. We will be happy to help you.

Andrea King
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Andrea King
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