Hi. I’m Shelli from Anderson and Associates and my hurricane tip is concerning your freezer. We have three freezers at our house, two out in the garage and one in the house, and one of the most common things that happens is power outages when you have the hurricane and it can be for hours or it could be for days.

So what you want to do first of all is you can take little bottles of water and you stuff them in your freezer and make it as full as you possibly can and then you can of course pull them out and use them to drink them afterwards.

The other thing you can do if you’re having a hard time getting water, which happens frequently, the stores are out, is Ziploc baggies. Fill them up with water. Stick them in the freezer and keep that food just as tightly packed with ice as you can. It’s going to last a whole lot longer that way and then when your baggies are done, you just pull them out and you can throw them in your cooler the next time you go out for a boat ride. Shelli from Anderson and Associates.


Anderson & Associates has been serving Manatee County residents with property insurance coverage since 1985. We offer homeowners (including mobile homes), car insurance, life, health, umbrella insurance policies. We’re a family-owned and operated insurance agency, and we treat you like family.


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Anderson & Associates Insurance Agency
810 8th Avenue West
Palmetto, Florida 34221
Phone: (941) 729-7355

Andrea King
  • andrea@aginto.com
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Andrea King
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  • andrea@aginto.com
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