Hi. I’m Shelli from Anderson and Associates. A tip I would like to give our clients is for an insurance review and even if you’re not our clients. I highly recommend about every three years that you go over your policy with your agent. The replacement cost of your home tends to fluctuate over the years. Your house may be valued at more than it was when you had it three years ago. So these are things that you want to pay attention to especially as we’re coming into hurricane season. If you don’t automatically think of it, because we’re coming into storm season, when your policy comes up for renewal, is a great time to reach out to your agent also and say, “I would just like to review my coverages.”

Probably lastly but the most important reason that you want to do that is just to get a good understanding of what your coverages are. You don’t do this every day and the terminology is not something that the average American is comfortable with or really understands. So it’s a really good idea to take a few minutes with your agent. I suggest about every three years and let’s just do a review of your policy and make sure that you have the correct coverage.

Andrea King
  • andrea@aginto.com
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Andrea King
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  • andrea@aginto.com
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