With the recent spate of floods and hurricanes around the country, like the 2015 floods in Texas that have claimed lives and damages millions of homes, it’s natural that you worry about your home being flooded. You might be especially worried if you live in a zone that is known for getting swamped frequently. How can flooding damage your home? What can you do to protect your home from flood waters?

Flooded Alley

How flooding can damage you and your home

First, let us clear a common misconception. Your home does not need to be submerged under water to be affected by it.  Even a few inches of water entering the house can cause a lot of damage. So no matter where you live, it is always good to know and be prepared.

Flood water can enter your home through doors, windows, walls, roof and the floor. It can also makes its way in through toilets, bathrooms, sinks and other openings in the drainage system. When flood water enters your home, it can be either a slow trickle or a gush of water rushing in. Either way, it can cause a lot of damage to you and your home.

  • Financially – It can damage floors, walls, doors and windows, furniture, electrical fixtures and electronics in your home. All this will either need to be repaired or bought afresh once the flood waters recede, putting a major burden on your finances.
  • Emotionally – flood waters may also damage old photographs, recordings and trinkets that have been gifted by people you hold close to your heart. These are things that cannot be replaced by anything. Also, water suddenly gushing into the house can cause fear and panic in you and your loved ones.
  • Property value – if the flood water has remained in and around your home for a long period of time, it could cause permanent damage to the property. This, however, does not happen very often and is only a small possibility.

Protecting your home against floods

  • Ensure that your home insurance covers natural calamities like floods, so you are insured against damages by floods and flood water.
  • If you live in a flood prone area, get in touch with a building contractor to figure out ways in which your home can be fortified against flood waters so that the permanent damage to your home can be minimized.
  • Prepare yourself and your family for floods so that you all can stay calm and do not panic or get scared.

Being prepared and taking steps to keep your home safe can go a long way in minimizing the damage caused by floods.

Andrea King
  • andrea@aginto.com
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Andrea King
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  • andrea@aginto.com
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