We all have so much to be thankful for this holiday season. Here at Anderson & Associates, we’re thankful for our clients, and for our readers as we try to impart information about your insurance coverage options in an interesting, informative, and entertaining way.

One other thing we’re thankful for is the end of hurricane season. Things certainly could have been much worse, so we’re thankful that our Manatee County area stayed relatively dry from the storms.

We’ll be appreciative if readers reach their holiday destinations – now and next month – safely and return home the same way.

We’ll also be pleased if you take our warnings to heart about staying awake while driving, tailgating safely, and pool safety. Looking ahead, be careful shopping on Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday, as well as during the rest of the holiday buying season.

At home

We’re serious about helping to protect the citizens of Manatee County, but we like to have fun, too. We like to write about stuff that’s never going to happen, like a Jurassic Park neighborhood visit, for example – mainly to give you an entertaining view of how home insurance coverage works.

All that said, have a safe and happy Thanksgiving, full of turkey and stuffing and pie and football and everything else that makes the holiday.


Andrea King
  • andrea@aginto.com
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Andrea King
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  • andrea@aginto.com
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