Spring may be just around the corner. At least that’s the word from Staten Island Chuck. Just before 7:30 a.m., New York City’s official Groundhog Day prognosticator crawled out of his burrow and looked for his shadow, but to no avail. An early spring is on its way, according to Chuck, who made his prediction at the Staten Island Zoo Thursday morning from behind a glass enclosure.

Throwing logic out the window and relying on our furry friend Punxsutawney Phil, Groundhog Day has been practiced since the 1800’s and seeks to learn from a Groundhog whether or not we will have an extended Winter or an early Spring. When it comes to upcoming weather, this practice has about the same probability as your local weatherman. In fact, since 1988, the Groundhog has predicted correctly 16 times, while predicting incorrectly 18 times. See, not very different than your local weatherman.

At the end of the day, the best decision you can make regarding upcoming weather is to prepared. While we in Florida don’t have to worry too much about snowy forecasts, we can still make sure that we are prepared for hotter or cooler temperatures.

So what does this have to do with your insurance coverage? You guessed it, make sure you’re prepared. Don’t leave the near future up to chance by making sure that you’re prepared. Since you purchased your home or vehicle, your circumstances may have very well changed, leaving some gaps in your coverage needs.

Rather than depending on asking a furry friend (completely up to you), have an experienced insurance agent review your policy, and make sure that you are covered no matter what may come your way. You’ll be glad you did.

For a free policy review on your insurance coverage, contact our team at Anderson & Associates by clicking here,or by using the form on this page. Happy Groundhog Day!

Andrea King
  • andrea@aginto.com
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Andrea King
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  • andrea@aginto.com
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