Florida is definitely one of the best places to be a motorcycle owner. With lots of warm days, not just in the spring and summer, but throughout the entire year, there is no shortage of days when you can get out and enjoy the road.


That said, it is important to note that Florida has continually led the nation for motorcycle fatalities. 20% of all traffic accident-related deaths were motorcycle riders. And while most riders are very concerned with their own safety, most of these deaths were actually caused by other motorists. Drivers are usually only looking for other vehicles on the road. This means that as they are changing lanes or speeding up or slowing down, they are looking for large obstructions and obstacles, not the relatively small and harder to see motorcyclist. This definitely contributes to the number of motorcycle fatalities on Florida roads.

Another common contributor is the fact that when a motorcyclist is in an accident, their body takes the full force of the impact, unlike when a motor vehicle driver is in an accident. Even if a motorcyclist is wearing protective gear, the brunt of an impact is much more dangerous. While deaths from motor vehicle impacts have been decreasing overall, motorcycle accidents have actually been increasing over the last five years, and those affected span all demographics, ranging from young, inexperienced riders to seniors who have been riding for decades.

Florida has the highest motorcycle fatality rate in the country, and has topped or neared the top of the list for years. In addition to those who die on the road, there are thousands of others that are wounded in accidents. Some injuries may be minor, but many are very serious.

Andrea King
  • andrea@aginto.com
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Andrea King
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  • andrea@aginto.com
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