Effective 10/01/2013 the NFIP will no longer allow renewals for certain Pre-FIRM (Flood Insurance Rate Map). This could potentially effect you if your home was built on or before Dec 31st 1974, and you are in a flood zone. The rule used to be that if your home was older than 1974 you were NOT required to have an elevation certificate. How will this effect the average consumer? Renewals could see a 25% rate increase every year until an elevation certificate is supplied, however an elevation certificate does not guarantee your rate will not increase. The other consumer that will feel the bite will be for non primary/non principal owners(rental or secondary properties), effective January 1st 2014 these properties could potentially see an increase of 25%. The NFIP will also be raising the federal policy fee for every flood policy written, $2 dollars for preferred flood and $4 for all other policies.


Andrea King
  • andrea@aginto.com
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Andrea King
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  • andrea@aginto.com
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