Car insurance can cost you a tidy sum of money each year. Still, it does not always get the same priority as other types of insurances. Car insurance is required in the state of Florida, so people have to buy it. But even then, they make a lot of mistakes. Here are a few mistakes that people make when they buy car insurance.


1. Shopping without preparing

Most people shop for car insurance on impulse. As a result, they either end up with an expensive policy or get the wrong coverage. At the very least, ask these questions before buying a car insurance policy. What is the minimum car insurance requirement in your city? How much deductible is proper in your case? How much monthly premium is enough or too much?

2. Not researching insurance companies

All insurance companies are not the same. Some provide better terms, others have better customer care, still others settle claims faster than their competitors, and so on. So before you choose an insurance company, ask your friends and relatives what policy they have or even better, speak to a Manatee County car insurance agent.

3. Not taking enough coverage

Most states have a minimum coverage requirement, but that may not be enough to protect you. If you get into an accident and if the other party’s damage is more that provided by your coverage, you can be sued for the balance amount. In addition, you may want to consider uninsured motorist coverage. Speak to a car insurance agent to know what would be an appropriate coverage in your case.

4. Choosing too high of a  deductible

On most policies, if you get into an accident, you have to pay a part of the expenses first. This is called deductible. If you are not able to pay the deductible, your policy will not become operative. But if the deductible is too low, you may have to pay higher premiums. The deductible should be such that you should be able to pull the money together quickly. A car insurance agent can help you determine what deductible will be proper for you.

5. Not looking at other options

Most people just look at one or two options before they buy a car insurance policy. What if other companies are offering better deals? If you don’t look around, you will miss it.

Please note that there is no one-size-fits-all car insurance policy. The best person to advise you what coverage you need and what premium is good, is an experienced car insurance agent. If you want car insurance in Palmetto, Florida, please contact Anderson & Associates today.


Andrea King
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Andrea King
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