While in prison, an individual is denied the freedom to move about; when they are released, simply getting behind the wheel and driving wherever they want is a very appealing prospect.

But can a convicted felon obtain car insurance? The short answer is yes, but with stipulations. If you are a felon – or are supporting a felon in their efforts to get back on their feet – here are the facts you need to know.

Factors which Affect Car Insurance Viability for a Convicted Felon

  • Driver’s License: This may seem a bit obvious, but the first step for anyone leaving prison is to have their driver’s license reinstated. No one can drive a car without a valid driver’s license, and you cannot register and drive a car without car insurance.
  • Nature of the Felony: If the felony involves an auto-related crime, the chances of obtaining car insurance diminish. If you were convicted of a DUI, for instance, you may have a hard time finding an insurance company willing to take on that higher risk.
  • The Background Check: The insurance company will do a background check, but it is limited in scope. A Motor Vehicle Report (or MVR) outlines driving violations and related felonies; but convictions for crimes that don’t involve driving will not appear.
  • Amount of Elapsed Time: The insurance company generally looks at driving records only for the last three (3) years. However, anyone who has had a significant lapse in car insurance coverage will be deemed a higher risk to the insurance company, regardless of criminal background. So if a felon with a non-driving offense is seeking insurance but has not driven in 5 years, he will also face a more difficult time getting affordable insurance.

What Course of Action Should You Take to Get Insurance Coverage?

  • Tell the Truth: The insurance company will find out the truth of your driving related record, so lying about it on the application will likely guarantee that you will be denied coverage. Working with the insurance company to find a solution will work out better for you in the long run, and may even result in lower premiums.
  • Take Out a 6 Month Policy: For anyone who has had a lapse in coverage, premiums will be higher. This simply represents the higher risk that the insurance company is taking on, with no recent driving record or insurance records to refer to. Although rates may be high, they can often be lowered after 6 months of good driving with no incidents, so take out a 6 month policy and revisit as soon as possible.
  • Consider Driving Classes: There are educational courses and safe driving classes which some insurance companies will accept, and taking them may not only help you get coverage, but to lower rates and premiums.
  • Ask About Different Policy Options: If you can’t get full traditional coverage, ask about compulsory third party insurance only, which is mandatory for all vehicle owners. This type of insurance does not cover the felons’ vehicle or property, only any victims of an accident. Third party car insurance covers the damage to other people’s car or property, but not the insured’ vehicle. Ask your local insurance agent about your options.

We understand that when car insurance is difficult to obtain, it can make life more difficult. This is especially true for those trying to start a new life, which means finding a good job and being able to have a reliable means of transportation.

If you are a convicted felon looking to obtain car insurance in Sarasota, call the experts at Anderson and Associates Insurance Group. We will do everything we can to find you coverage, or give you advice as how to best obtain it in the future.

Calli Ramsey
  • calli@aginto.com
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Calli Ramsey
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  • calli@aginto.com
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