If you do not drive your car very often, you may be able to get a discount on your auto insurance, using a plan like Snapshot. Most big insurance providers now have a plan that requires you to put a device in your car, which then tracks how much you use your vehicle. While your rate will still largely be based on other factors, the information collected by these devices can help lower your price. But which one is the best?

Allstate Drivewise

With this program, you will save if you drive less than thirty miles a day, less than 12,000 miles a year, rarely drive over eighty miles an hour, and do not drive late at night. If you often have to do these things, you probably will not see any savings from enrolling in a plan with Drivewise. If this sounds like it would fit your driving habits, however, you could save up to 30% a year.

Business woman working

Snapshot from Progressive

One of the benefits of choosing Allstate is that they have a universal app that can be used to track your driving habits. Snapshot, on the other hand, requires you to use their device. This device will track a huge variety of things, including how late into the night you drive and how hard you brake. You could also save up to 30% on your bills with this plan, and Progressive lets you try it out for thirty days before deciding whether or not it is right for you.

Nationwide SmartRide

Nationwide also requires you to use their device, and it is only available in some states. They look at the total number of miles you drive, how quickly you start and stop your car, and whether or not you drive in between midnight and five in the morning. You do get an instant discount for signing up, however, and can save up to 30%.

State Farm Drive Safe & Save

One of the biggest benefits of choosing this plan is that it works through your OnStar or SYNC systems, or through a mobile app or device. You get a discount based on the number of miles you drive, not driving more than eighty miles an hour, or driving late at night, like most of these plans.

Andrea King
  • andrea@aginto.com
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Andrea King
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  • andrea@aginto.com
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