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Driving Without Current Insurance

It is illegal to drive your vehicle in the state of Florida without valid and current auto insurance. If you are involved in a car accident and you do not have proper insurance coverage, there could be many consequences. In this article we will examine [...]

2023-07-24T23:14:21+00:00By |Auto Insurance|

Driving Gets More Dangerous in the Summer

As we move into the end of spring and look forward to summer, Florida weather will become irresistible - and many people will be hitting the road to the beach and other outdoor activities. Even though we are only four months into the year, the [...]

2023-04-24T07:01:56+00:00By |Auto Insurance|

Points on Your Florida License?

Even the best and most responsible drivers among us will likely receive minor traffic violations if they drive and commute often. Whether it be a slight lapse in judgment or a lead foot on a busy day, traffic infractions that don't balloon into significant accidents [...]

2023-03-31T03:42:01+00:00By |Auto Insurance|

Be Vigilant about Car Maintenance

Cars are essential for daily life, and any setback that hinders you from freely driving can be a substantial financial burden. As always, the time to be vigilant about car maintenance should be beforehand, not when your car is sitting on the side of the [...]

2023-02-20T05:57:14+00:00By |Auto Insurance|

Driving on Hazardous Road Surfaces

Winter months in Florida have a distinct lack of precipitation compared to the rest of the year. Driving this time of year is a lot easier when thunderstorms are not a daily occurrence. Florida rainstorms can quickly become severe even on otherwise sunny days, significantly [...]

2023-01-26T05:07:41+00:00By |Auto Insurance|

When is Insurance Reinstatement Necessary?

Almost every state requires car insurance before you are legally allowed to operate that vehicle on public roads. Florida law requires car insurance with a minimum level of coverage to cover costs associated with your accident. Driving your car while uninsured is never recommended, but [...]

2023-01-20T17:35:55+00:00By |Auto Insurance|

Vehicle Maintenance to Keep You on the Road

Not many people can go about their daily routine without using a car. Modern life puts so much importance on automobiles that even one minor issue that temporarily renders a vehicle inoperable can have cascading adverse financial effects. Some car problems can occur randomly, but [...]

2022-12-25T00:21:55+00:00By |Auto Insurance|

How Car Models Affect Insurance Premiums

As with most things nowadays, car insurance premiums are rising at a steady rate. For most Americans, monthly car payments and insurance costs make up a substantial amount of overall spending. Knowing your expected insurance cost is essential to budgeting and planning your expenses if [...]

2022-10-19T21:29:48+00:00By |Auto Insurance|