We are all about convenience these days. If you take care to cut time and effort by combining two or three chores into one trip into town, or save on grocery bills by buying a larger quantity of a product at one go, why not do the same with your insurance policies too? Instead of juggling two or three different insurance service providers, multiple financial relationships and numerous customer service numbers and email ids, what if you could have it all sorted under one roof? Sounds like a dream? But it is imminently doable and has a host of benefits you may not even have considered. Here’s a quick look at some advantages of bundling that will make you seriously consider making the change.

At home

Make managing your insurance simpler

If you are the average financially responsible adult, chances are you have life insurance, medical or health insurance, homeowner or renter’s insurance, and car insurance. You may even have more. if you have taken out your car insurance from one provider, your health insurance from another and the term cover on your life from a third, that’s already a huge number of relationships to manage. In the event of something untoward happening, that’s a nightmare for anyone to negotiate. Bundling all these policies under one provider will likely mean you are assigned a single account or relationship number with the various policies linked to that single point. One login for the website, a single phone number to call for queries.

Get competitive pricing

Besides the obvious advantage of making things much simpler to handle on a day to day basis, you also stand to see some cost advantages kicking in when you bundle insurance policies. A service provider is likely to offer you more competitive rates if they get more of your business for all your insurance needs, under their umbrella. They pass on the benefits of having to service one less customer for that same business, to you, and reward your loyalty with better pricing than if you were to get your two or three insurance coverages from different providers.

Bundling with a local agent

If you’re bundling under one roof, it should be with someone that you can trust, someone that has your best interests in mind at all times. A local insurance agent is someone that you can speak to when you need them the most. If you have a local agent, they’re always a phone call away to answer any questions that you might have. So bundle your policies under the roof of a local agent, like Anderson & Associates in Manatee County.

Take advantage of special offers and deals

As an existing customer for an insurance company, you will be privy to new deals and special discounts for existing customers willing to extend their relationship. You can make use of these benefits if you are not locked into another provider and will find it simpler to change your plan or upgrade.

If you have all your insurance policies consolidated under one roof, it makes communication easier and less is likely to slip between the cracks. You and your family will know exactly whom to contact in the event a claim needs to be made. Simplify your life and theirs by bundling your policies today, contact Anderson & Associates.

Andrea King
  • andrea@aginto.com
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Andrea King
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  • andrea@aginto.com
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