Cars are essential for daily life, and any setback that hinders you from freely driving can be a substantial financial burden. As always, the time to be vigilant about car maintenance should be beforehand, not when your car is sitting on the side of the road. Whether it be mechanical problems or lapsed car insurance, nothing should stop you from using your car as your see fit. Just as you can be proactive in finding great rates and coverage for your insurance through the help of a broker, here are some early warning signs of a malfunctioning vehicle to keep an eye out for.

car insurance Palmetto

Car Maintenance – Signs of Trouble

Manufacturer Recalls – A manufacturer recall, which happens much more commonly than most consumers think, is a clear indication that you should not continue driving your car in its current state. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has an updated list of recalled vehicles you can search through by supplying a VIN number. In almost all cases for newer cars, the manufacturer issuing the recall has to repair the defect, repurchase the vehicle, or provide an equivalent car, meaning you should not put off sending in your car for repairs if you are worried about potentially lost money on a loan or down payment.

Visible Signs Of Wear – Car bodies can take a beating and still drive, but that doesn’t mean every area or component of a vehicle is created equal. Two primary forms of wear and tear should be taken very seriously if you notice them: worn tires and cracked windows/windshields. Tires that are old losing tread, or disintegrating have much less traction with the road and are very dangerous to use in rainstorms that are common here in Florida. Even in perfect weather conditions, newer tires can reduce speed quickly and prevent high-speed collisions from injuring you, your loved ones, or other innocent drivers. Cracked windshields and windows are also not a laughing matter. Besides the obvious visual impairment they can bring, small cracks can balloon into much more significant issues when water and other outside factors reduce the structural integrity of the entire windowpane. More minor cracks can be repaired without necessitating a whole window or windshield replacement, but only if you are diligent and notice them early.

Car Warning Indicators and Lights – Most people are familiar with the assortment of lights and indicators that can display on a car’s dash, even if they don’t know precisely what each indicator means. While the underlying issue causing the lights to occur might be minor (or a false alarm), the possibility of driving with sustained damage means that you should never take the risk and cause even more destruction to the car’s components than necessary.

Unknown Sounds and Smells – Vehicles should run smoothly when everything is in working order. If you notice weird smells emanating from the hood or hear metallic clanging, something is occurring that necessitates a closer look. Because of the interconnected nature of many components under the car’s hood, a loose belt or misaligned piston can have cascading effects that turn a minor repair job into an entire week of labor to bring the car back up to standards.

If you listen to your car and get it repaired when it needs help, you can rest easy knowing you are doing everything you can to keep your transportation running smoothly each and every day. Car insurance is another mandatory part of owning a car, and it can be a severe financial strain if you go into the process uninformed. If you need more information about automobile insurance, call the experts at Anderson & Associates Insurance Group.

Shelli Ensminger
  • 941-729-7355
I love my job, people have a sour opinion of sales (insurance in general), I like to change their mind about that. Wether it be saving them thousands of dollars each year or delivering the check when tragedy has struck. I am protecting people, and I feel good about it.
Shelli Ensminger
I love my job, people have a sour opinion of sales (insurance in general), I like to change their mind about that. Wether it be saving them thousands of dollars each year or delivering the check when tragedy has struck. I am protecting people, and I feel good about it.
  • 941-729-7355
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