A car is a necessity in today’s day and age, and being without a car can be an extreme inconvenience. While most of the time an automobile works just fine, an unexpected issue can set you back in many ways, especially financially. The good news is, typically our automobile gives us advance warning of a problem, so that a minor issue can be fixed before it becomes a major repair. Here are 6 warning signs you should never ignore if you want to maintain your vehicle in good running condition.
automobile insurance

Your Car’s Early Warning Signs

  • Unusual Sounds: Whether your brakes are squealing or grinding, these noises are not present when your car is working properly. Belts also squeal and shriek, engines or exhaust systems hiss, and clicking, popping and rattling sounds are sure warning signs that your automobile is struggling mechanically. Because the car parts are so integrated, one malfunctioning part can be degrading another. The best tihng to do is investigate ny strange noises immediately, before the part fails compeltely.
  • Warning Lights: Everyone hates seeing a warning light illuminate on their dashboard, thinking that their car’s death may be imminent. While some warning signs are dire, some are simply reminders of needed maintenance which appear in advance of any real problems. Lights may come on for benign reasons (gas needed, cruise control activated, washer fluid is low); when attention is needed (tire pressure is low, there is a general engine problem, or an issue with an airbag); or issues that should cause you to pull immediately into a service station (oil light comes on, engine light is blinking, engine temperature is too high.)
  • Weird Smells: The smell of burning rubber could indicate a deteriorating tire, but could also indicate a rubber hose which has come loose and it resting on a hot engine. The smell of hot oil could mean oil is leaking onto other parts under the hood when you are driving. If you smell sulfur (rotten eggs), you should check your catalytic converter. A sweetsmell may indicate leaking coolant. Therefore any type of strnge smell should be investigated, because even if it seems innocent, it could indicate leaks or parts failure.
  • Worn Tires: The tire tread channels water away from your tire and increases traction with the road. Therefore a worn tread could cause you to slip or hydroplane in a rainstorm, which is a common occurence in South Florida. AAA reports that vehicles with worn tires travel an average of 87 additional feet than those with new tires. In addition, when the car with new tires has come to a stop, the car with old tires is stil travelling at 40 mph. That could mean the difference between stopping safely and getting in an accident.
  • Cracked Windshield: Even small chips and cracks in your windshield need to be repaired. Left alone, they can spread, take on water, fog up the windshield and obstruct your line of sight. Variations in temperature can result in worsening cracks, eventually necessitating an expensive, full windshield replacement. Typically, if a crack’s diameter is an inch or less, it can be repaired. As a rule of thumb, if the crack cannot be completely covered by a dollar bill, the structural integrity of the windshield may be compromised enough to warrant repair.
  • Recall Notices: If your car manufacturer has issued a recall notice, you should take it seriously. Check car recall notices here.

Of course, it is also important to have adequate car insurance to protect you in the event of an accident. If you need more information as to automobile insurance, call the experts at Anderson & Associates Insurance Group.

Calli Ramsey
  • calli@aginto.com
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Calli Ramsey
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  • calli@aginto.com
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