Hi. My name is Andrea King. I’m with Anderson & Associates. A question that we often get is, “Are my personal belongings covered while I have them in a storage unit?”

You know, sometimes we like to collect things and over time we need to find a new place for them, especially Christmas decorations and such.

The answer to that question is not always simple. Typically it is yes, you have 10 percent coverage for your items in storage while they were anywhere in the world, but particularly while they’re in that storage unit and that’s 10 percent of your personal belongings coverage.

So if you have $10,000 in coverage on your personal property, you have a $1000 in coverage for whatever you have in a storage unit.

The best solution is if you have that concern is to call your insurance agent and have them look at your policy because again each policy is a little different.


Anderson & Associates has been serving Manatee County residents with property insurance coverage since 1985. We offer homeowners (including mobile homes), car insurance, life, health, umbrella insurance policies. We’re a family-owned and operated insurance agency, and we treat you like family.
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Anderson & Associates Insurance Agency
810 8th Avenue West
Palmetto, Florida 34221
Phone: (941) 729-7494

Andrea King
  • andrea@aginto.com
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Andrea King
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  • andrea@aginto.com
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